U3A Membership & Course Administration software

Intuitive, easy to use software designed from the ground up to manage your U3A

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Your search is over

We've got what you need!

For the monthly cost of a cup of coffee, our U3Admin software will manage your University of the Third Age (U3A) including the administration of new membership, membership renewal, online fee payment, course enrolment, class attendance, reliable member email and much more.

No, not one cup per member.
That's one cup of coffee per month, total. No strings attached!

Interested? Let's explore further.

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Our difference

Member portal

Members have access to their U3A membership & enrolment details anywhere, anytime, on any device.

Robust security ensures access is granted to their details and only their details.

Administration Website

Need to add a new course, change a class time, review statistics or run a report?

With contextual help a click away, our administration website provides secure, role-based access to all these functions and more.

We never sleep

Every night our minions get to work to prepare your database for tomorrow's classes.

Things like emailing a member's cash receipt, confirming an enrolment, providing leaders with up to date class lists, preparing class attendance records and managing the waitlist are all done overnight.

Made with love

U3Admin is open source.

That's computer-speak meaning not for profit.

It is free to download and customise at any time.

We don't sell software. It is free for all.

  Click to view our Github repository

Reliable email

Say goodbye to bounced email.

Our email service provider delivers a world-class service second to none.

Typically, 99.9% of email will be correctly delivered.

Your data is safe

Encrypted in transit and encrypted at rest.

It's like keeping your data in a locked box. It is safe from prying eyes at all times yet immediately available to those authorised to use it.

Hosted in Australia

Our website and your data is hosted locally in Australia within a Microsoft Azure data center.

Large or small

No matter your U3A is large or small. Our U3Admin software is a great fit for you.

Sample Images

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Our valued clients

A small but growing, happy user base.
Click a U3A to view.

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Let's Get In Touch!

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