Quite a few people get to this page searching for their U3A member portal. Click a U3A below and we'll take you to your login page...

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All members
Admin website example

Course leaders & clerks
Admin website example


NB: Software will not execute on Apple iOS 12.5 or earlier

There's an old saying, many hands make light work, and that's exactly what the U3A Member Portal is intended to do. By allowing members secure & controlled access to their information and only their information you spread the work formerly undertaken by one or two volunteers. Each member is empowered to alter their contact details, pay their membership fees online, enrol and manage their class enrollments, and advise when leave is taken. A member may phone, email or SMS their course leaders & clerks but only if permitted by the leaders & clerks.

And, we have not forgotten our leaders & course clerks. They have access to their student and class details via the menu option, Your leadership role.. Options include the ability to contact next of kin in case of emergency, managing enrolment & waitlists, recording attendance, class cancellation and scheduling reports. Class participants may be sent email, SMS or phoned directly all within the app.

Of course your members will have questions. Let's anticipate a few. Click a question...

The Member Portal will allow you to...

  • Access your details securely and in private.
  • View and change your contact details including name, street address, email address, phone numbers and In Case of Emergency details.
  • Indicate whether or not you want your phone details to be made available to course leaders & clerks.
  • View your U3A financial status and pay your fees online.
  • View your current course enrolment details. Enrol into, or remove yourself from courses.
  • Advise course leaders / clerks if you are on leave and unavailable for class.
  • Sign in & out of a class.
  • View your class details for today & view other classes to be held today.
  • Contact your course leaders / clerks via email, phone or SMS. Note: this is dependent on the capabilities of your device.

As a leader and/or course clerk you wil be able to...

  • Access the name and contact details of students in your class.
  • Quickly access the In Case of Emergency details of students in your class
  • Assign course clerks, if permitted.
  • Manage enrolment and waitlists, if permitted.
  • Record attendance history.
  • Review student attendance statistics.
  • Request reports to be emailed to you.
  • Contact students via email, phone or SMS. Note: this is dependent on the capabilities of your device.

The intention of the software is to relieve the pressure placed on "someone else" - your volunteers. Everybody pitches in to do their bit rather than relying on one or two to do everything.

We recognise however, there are those without the skill or device to use the software. The Administrative Website has a procedure titled Portal (Admin) that allows authorised volunteers to process membership / enrolment requirements on behalf of another member. Anything done in the Member Portal can also be done on the Administrative Website.

No, that's not a problem. Members that share the same email address are known as Linked Members. They share the same login and password. When logged-in, either member can act on behalf of the other linked member(s).

Linked members are also a great way of providing assistance to other members. The only caveat is that any member of the linked group has access to all details pertaining to the other linked member(s).

No, you may pay your fees any way the U3A allows.

However, paying online does have distinct advantages...

  • The transaction and your U3A financial status is processed immediately. This means...
    • You don't have to wait 2 -3 three days for the transaction to be cleared.
    • You don't have to wait for U3A volunteers to reconcile the transaction.
  • The process is far more accurate. Decoding a transaction's description & assigning the payment to the correct member is not 100% reliable when done manually.
  • The entire process occurs within the app. You do not have to switch to your banking app to make the payment.
  • Many U3As will not accept cash and cheques are sooo last century!

When you pay your fees you become a financial member of the U3A for the current enrolment year.

Any member whether financial or not may enrol in a course or class. However, members who are not financial will remain waitlisted. Enrolment will not be finalised until fee payment is complete and you are a financial member of the U3A.

Members not financial are automatically deleted from the system after a pre-determined period of time.

Your street address

We never share your physical street address with other students. It is only available to those authorised to access our administration website.


As a student your email address will be shared with your course leader & clerk so that they may contact you. It's your choice whether you share your phone details. In case of emergency details will be available to leaders & clerks.

Leaders / Clerks

As a leader or clerk, it is your decision whether or not to share your email and phone numbers with your students.

Documents produced by the software can be routed via email or post. It is the U3A's decision whether or not to use the postal facility and whether or not to charge for it.